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My Story...

Hello there! My name is Thomas and I am so happy to welcome you to my website. If you're here, you're probably wondering what makes me and my business so special. Well, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Like most 8-year-olds, I am absolutely mad about Lego. I could spend hours building and creating with those little bricks! But what you might not know is that Lego has also been a big help to me in managing my thoughts, attention, and anxieties since my epilepsy diagnosis when I was 6 years old.

Epilepsy affects my brain, which can make mainstream schooling a challenge for me. But during "Enterprise Week" at St Mathew's C of E Primary School, something amazing happened. My teachers saw something special in me and encouraged me to pursue my ideas for a business. And that's when the idea for my little Lego business was born!

With the help and support of my wonderful family, I have been able to develop my skills and create some truly unique and amazing Lego creations. Everything you see on my website is my own design, although my parents do help with quality control to make sure that everything is of the highest quality.

By supporting my little business, you are not only getting some awesome Lego creations, but you're also teaching me some valuable skills and helping me grow as a person. I can't thank you enough for that!

So go ahead, take a look around and explore my range of creations. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. Thank you to my teachers, my family, and of course, to you, for making me feel special and helping me be great at something!

Thomas with earrings
Thomas holding earrings
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